Thursday, August 2, 2012

Stay Connected

Stay connected. Plug in to your Power source. Whenever you feel yourself failing, slipping, not making it, plug in. Your Power Source (God, Spirit, Universal Mind)  provides the strength and the direction.

You think you can do it on your own -- as an isolated ego-personality.  You've tried many times and failed. How do you plug in?  Pray. Meditate. Contemplate. Read something inspirational in a contemplative or prayerful manner.

Clarify what you want. Examples: I want to be in the flow today -- (flow of ideas, flow of creativity, flow of love, flow of money or substance) I want to live in alignment with my Source (God, Spirit, Universal Mind).

Don't put up with extended periods of anger, hurt, depression, negativity, etc. Take away the distractions -- fantasies, worrying about what Snooki or the Kardashians are doing, conflicts over unimportant things.  Ask for help. Plug in. Once you have established your connection, act as if everything is already good (because it is.)

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