Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Spiritual adulthood

Belief systems are convenient places to hang out. Someone tells you what to believe and what you must do, and you believe and do it. No thinking is really required. 

At some point you feel the pressure that there is more that you haven't been told. There is something pushing you to go further, to break through all the beliefs you have been taught. There are no gurus in this place. There is no one to comfort you and tell you what to think and believe. Some call this a crisis of faith or a dark night of the soul.

Call it what you want. The key is you have to think for yourself. You have to dig deep inside for what you are seeking, because you won't find it in a book. Books can point the way, but you need to take the journey yourself. 

This is the journey from spiritual childhood to spiritual adulthood. It is the recognition that you don't need an intermediary. You don't need a set  of rules. You will grieve your lost childhood. You will grieve that you can no longer hide behind your self imposed limitations. It's time to grow up!  If you stick with it, you'll experience a rebirth of sorts. 

As a spiritual adult the Universe is your playground. The only rule is "Listen to the Inner Voice". Everything will flow naturally from that.

William Frank Diedrich is the author of The Road Home: The Journey beyond The Spiritual Quick Fix and of the upcoming book:  Human Adulthood

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