Friday, August 31, 2012

Pray unceasing (The most powerful prayers)

Pray unceasing is a quote from the New Testament. It is an interesting quote because you already do. Every thought is a prayer. Every thought asks.  If you are grateful to someone, you are expressing a prayer of gratitude. If you dislike someone, you are praying against them.

You can't say to God, or Spirit -- "Well this thought counts and that one doesn't." It all counts.

How might we pray unceasing in a way that is helpful both to ourselves and to others?
First:  Stay conscious of your thoughts. This doesn't mean avoid negative thoughts like the plague. Explore your negative and painful thoughts. Follow the pain inward and see what it is about. Share those thoughts with your Higher Power. Look at them together, non-judgmentally. As you share them, when you are ready,  surrender them. Let them go.

Second:  The two most important and effective prayers are both simple and powerful:
•  Thank you
•  Thy will be done

Keep these in your mind constantly and you will pray unceasingly in a powerful and effective way.


William Frank Diedrich,
The Road Home: The Journey Beyond The Spiritual Quick Fix. at

"I loved this book's courageous honesty and shimmering passion."  Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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