Friday, July 13, 2012

This Moment

What of the future?  It isn't here. We worry about it. Will the money come?  Will sickness stay away? Will my loved one be okay? Place the future in the hands of Spirit (God, Creative Intelligence, Source).
How do you feel right now? Make this moment the best it can be.

Love the people you are with. Can you see the best in them? Are you able to love your life exactly as it is? Notice how you feel and face it. If you are joyous, celebrate it. If you are grateful, smile.   If you are angry, be angry and let it go.  If you are worried, straighten up and breathe. Breathe deeply and see yourself enjoying life. Then step forward with confidence. You can do this!

Clear your mind and allow the Inner Voice to guide you. Check in with yourself often and ask what do I want? Move through whatever you are feeling toward the joy that you seek. Can you be joyful that you are alive and that Spirit is guiding you now?

William Frank Diedrich speaker and author of  The Road Home: The Journey Beyond The Spiritual Quick Fix.

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